The Greek civilization has been travelling from antiquity to today. Not only has it been maintained but it has been widely enriched. Travelling through the Μyceneans and the Trojan war, the byzantine era and the Greek revolution up to modern Greece, there are some common features in each period that make the Greek culture unique. These are the Greek hospitality, religiosity, certain burial customs and the honor to the dead. Additionally, Greeks’ outward-looking culture contributed to the exchange of philosophical ideas with other countries and civilizations.
Despite the fact that the Greek language has undergone many changes through several evolutionary stages, from the ancient Greek to the hellenistic koine and modern Greek, the language is carrying a plethora of common words and meanings that are still used today. Undoubtedly, the Orthodox Christian tradition has deeply influenced the Greek culture and led it to what we call “Romiosini”. “Romiosini” was mainly born during the byzantine era and combined the Greek language with the Orthodox christian tradition and the Greek-Roman law. This fact created the feeling of belonging to a wider political structure which goes beyond race and nations echoing the universality of hellenism rooted by Alexander the Great and the hellenistic kingdoms. This journey is still on going and it will never stop.